You did it again, Amy! I had only previously known about this prejoct from 2 sources: Peter Alway's Rockets of the World (published right after the USSR's transition to CIS, so Polyus-Skif had not been declassified yet, and accordingly was described as a non-military mission), and Encyclopedia Astronautica. While the latter article was informative, you managed to add essential details about the development of the program, the constantly-changing configuration of the payload, etc. You're amazing!I've always thought of Polyus-Skif, if successful, as a possible point of divergence for an alternate history which would lead to the opening space scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Kubrick and Clarke had meant for the spacecraft seen in Earth orbit, just before the shuttle/space station scene, to be understood to be orbital platforms for launching nuclear warheads. High-res stills reveal insignia of the USAF, USSR, China, and W. Germany on the models. http://chmilo.com [url=http://raudrkj.com]raudrkj[/url] [link=http://lehfnnmfyqv.com]lehfnnmfyqv[/link]
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